Monday, July 11, 2011


On the way, on the way,
A sunny summer day,
I saw a belle
Bright and colourful,
As beautiful, very beautiful
At first sight as a butterfly
My feelings flowing…
Your beauty, so teasing
Like a teasing angel
Wooing a convert,
Tempted and wooed
In love fell me so well
With spick and span
Butterfly-lady’s beauty spell.
How pretty you are!
Curvy thighs, curvy, curvy thighs
Your eyes and oranges as
Clusters of dates, giving me tantalizing sighs.
Your body regalia, God’s perfect work.
Your smile, your smile
A little while, every while
Is captive holding…
My heart melting, oh! With great love,
Just inexplicable love
As child in garden
Sighting a colourful butterfly so sudden.
Emotions sailing,
Showing, wailing,
Seeking and needing
Body-body touch, in love lust
For a belle in high class West End.
Many, many flies
Fly my way-
Dragon fly
House fly
Bees and tsetse fly
In human form, in garden West End
Their beauty unlike mine
Lovely, lovable, pretty-witty belle
Like an intoxicating wine.
Oh Butterfly, Butterfly! My love
I am your irreplaceable flower,
Come cuddle me with love
Like butterflies fondling flowers.
Butterfly belle, come to my place,
You are my butterfly,
Show me always, your smiling face,
I need you to fly
Into my arms
Otherwise I cry,
In love, I am Don Quixote,
I am not public shy
For love, true love don’t sly,
“Hello, hello! My butterfly!”
So I cried to try
Winning her love.

(Excerpts from Adjekpagbon Blessed Mudiaga’s book titled
Dynamic Verses, love poems section.